Postal adress
Beiser Environnement
BP1 - Domaine de la Reidt
67330 Bouxwiller - France
Contact us for any issues.
The septic tank is a liquefier, purification effect will not exceed 30%. The organic matter contained in untreated effluents is tansformed into fine particles and partially digested by anaerobic bacteria developping in this low-oxygen environment. Gases are produced in this fermentation process. These gases are evacuated via a ventilation system fitted on the top of the tank. Part of the fecal matter will form a crust on the air-sealed surface, while another part of this matter will form deposits in the bottom of the tank, gradually reducing available volume and therefore treatment capacity. These tank must be large enought to allow bacteria to digest the organic matter. Matter generally remains in the tank for at least 5 days. A septic tank must be designed so that the effluents are introduced under the crust with minimised turbulence and evacuated under the level of the liquid.
Technical characteristics: